Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Catch Up!

Ok so I have not posted in awhile, in like a month! October was busy! Still trying to work with school schedules and work and extra curricular activities, and signing papers, and more papers! Anyway here are some pics of our fall happenings.

At the Cider Mill! It was a beautiful fall day!

Painting Pumkins!

 Played Nail Salon

 My Little Kitty!

And Taylor Swift!

 Girls made a fort so Sasha could not get in!!! So creative!

Hannah wanted to bake something so she made a pumpkin cake and it turned out awesome! My little baker.
Shes really starting to want to help cook and bake or help with laundry, getting so big. :-(

Haileys drawing of the Marquette Lighthouse! Looks just like it! The girls get their creativeness from their father! Hailey has learned so much already in school, it just amazing! I have been reading to her every night and she is showing definite signs of reading on her own soon! I bought her the Bobs Books for Christmas.

 We went up to Saginaw for the day to see Logan and his girlfriend Taylor, went bowling and out to dinner! Fun Day! Love these kids!
Mustaches were grown after we went bowling! Hilarious looks on their faces! 

So that was our October, it was good and I'm ready for Christmas!!!!!!! Gotta get through Thanksgiving first! 


  1. Stress will not help if it meant to be it will happen Bruce is a father that's what they worry about u both are great parents so one day at a timeu are as old as u feel at our age u are very healthy so get busy !
