Having a picnic and watching a movie! :-) We love the movie "Home".
(excuse the mess, like I said it was a stay cation;-).....

I have already informed my husband though that next year we are leaving to somewhere warm! The weather is supposed to be turning around towards the end of this week! Eeek CAN'T WAIT!!!! It really gets hard this time of year for me, I start losing my patience and want to move to California! I'm over the cold and the snow and want to start wearing pretty sandals, not boots, and put away my winter coat, please!!!! The good thing is that I have been spring cleaning like mad. I have gone through my girls clothes, our clothes, and every other thing in this house that I could possibly purge. I have three nice big bags to donate to the salvation army and a nice pile in the play room for the yard sale I want to have hopefully in about a month or so (as soon as it warms up). I did start to do some spring decorating in the house, I will show those soon. Hope the weather where you are at is springy!!! :-)
How has your spring been so far?
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