Hailey ready for her first official Kindergarten Concert! She did Awesome!
No shyness from this girl this year!
Hannah at her Christmas concert! So Cute!
As embarrassing as it is I had to show what my laundry room looked like as Logan is home from college and of course did not do a stich of laundry since Thanksgiving! uhg! Like loads this only shows a very little my hallway is lined up with baskets!
And I saw these at the store and since it just snowed, these definatley are cozy and stylish! Win Win!! Thanks Honey! :-)
My little reindeer!!
I believe I have finished up my shopping, I also believe I have spent wayyyyyy too much on the kids. I now need to wrap everything...which will probably take a week.
The girls were supposed to have their last day today however school is closed and it was pj day and they both were bummed. So they will be having their pj day at home and watch The Polar Express (favorite Christmas Movie, besides Miracle on 34th street).
Merry Christmas!!!!